vendredi 12 novembre 2010

Dienekes Pontikos sur l'illégitimité ethnique des Turcs en Asie Mineure

"Many Anatolian Turks have traces of Mongoloid ancestry in their phenotype. Turanids of the kind one is likely to encounter in Uzbekistan are of course rare, but many Turks nonetheless show signs of non-Caucasoid admixture.

Of course the Turks encountered a large population when they arrived in Anatolia, but that does not mean that they were diluted in this population. First of all, only part of the population of Asia Minor converted to Islam and became Turkified linguistically, and it is this part which forms the main native population of Anatolia today, the non-Muslim elements having been killed and driven away long ago.

Among the Turkic-speaking Muslims of deep Anatolian ancestry the presence of non-Caucasoid phenotypic elements is strong; among the average present-day "Turk", less strong yet existent in considerably degree."

"The point is that the early Turks didn't mix with all the population of Asia Minor, but only with part of it, namely the part that became Muslim. They were diluted in a bigger population (of Asia Minor) but not in the total pre-Turkish population of Asia Minor.

Most Turks are hybrids between Anatolians and original Turks, hence Caucasoid with small Mongoloid admixture. There is however a minority of more conservative Turks who are more descended from the original Turks, as well as a minority of Muslims who never came into serious contact with real Turks and is entirely Caucasoid.

So, modern Anatolian Turks = minority of Caucasoids with strong Turanid tendency + majority of Caucasoids with weak Turanid tendency + minority of Caucasoids with no detectible Turanid tendency"

"Turkic speaking groups of Central Asia and Siberia (which is usually what is meant by "Turanid") show an assymetry in the proportion of paternal and maternal Caucasoid lineages, with an overrepresentation of Caucasoid paternal lineages and Mongoloid maternal lineages. This is likely due to the fact that they are descended from steppe Iranic tribes which picked up indigenous women in their Eastern expansion in the prehistoric period, followed by the reverse expansion of Altaic speaking peoples in the last 1,000 years.

The assymetry has the following consequence: that early Turks who imposed the Turkish language in Asia Minor were probably more "Caucasoid" paternally and "Mongoloid" maternally. Actually, the early Turks were probably even more "Caucasoid" paternally than the present-day Turkic populations of Central Asia whose patrilineages were further influenced by the westward expansion of the Mongols.

Today's Anatolian Turks exhibit a frequency of 3.4% Mongoloid patrilineages:

If we allow that early Turks may have had something like e.g., 1/3 Mongoloid patrilineages, then the current frequency in the Anatolian population would be consistent with ~10% genetic input of Central Asian Turks, a significant amount which explains why Turanid-influenced Anatolian Turks are a common sight, especially since this ~10% is not uniformly distributed in the Anatolian population."

"The Christian Greek-speaking Romans of Asia Minor were Greeks. The present-day Moslem inhabitants of Asia Minor, due to the Seljuk and Ottoman occupation are descendants of the above-mentioned Greeks and other groups (Persians, Caucasians, Balkan peoples, Arabs, Gypsies, original Turks, etc.). Only in Western Asia Minor, Eastern Thrace and the Pontus are groups of people predominantly descended from the Greeks to be found."

"The "Byzantines" were the Greek-speaking, Christian Romans of the Eastern Empire. The "strangers" in Asia Minor are the Moslem Iranoid-Pamiroid-Mongoloid "Turks"."

"Turks" is a euphemism for the Moslem population of Turkey. This population is mostly Anatolian in racial origin, with a generous infusion of Balkan, Caucasian, Arab, Persian, Gypsy as well as some Mongoloid and lesser Negroid elements. Linguistically, the "Turks" are Altaic.

As Moslem, Altaic-speakers of mostly native Anatolian biological origin, the "Turks" are not related to either Ancient Greece or the Eastern Roman Empire. At most, one can say that sizable minorities in the Aegean coastline and in the Pontus are of Greek biological descent, although urbanization and differential fertility rates between secular and Moslem "Turks" is resulting in the rapid extinction of such differences."

Détail amusant, Iskender Kortuglu alias Le fils de la Louve, la pute métisse turanatolienne avait pointé Dienekes Pontikos dans ces liens amis.

Que les louves hybrides retournent au fin fond de leurs steppes.

1 commentaire:

  1. Je crois, en toute amitié, que le Turc vous a bien eu!

    Il a réussi à vous faire exclure les Chypriotes sur la base de critères biologiques qui n'ont aucun sens.

    Il a réussi à vous diviser, vous les Grecs! Et vous êtes tombé dans le panneau.

    Alors que si on compare les Chypriotes aux pontiques ou aux habitants du Dodécanèse ils sont très proches.

    En réalité ce qui distingue les Grecs de Grèce de ceux de Chypre c'est juste que ceux de Grèce ont eu les invasions slaves et les migrations albanaises rien de plus. Mais si on compare les Chypriotes aux Grecs des régions qui n'ont eu ni Slaves ni Albanais il n'y a pas de différence significative (Grecs d'Asie mineure, de Rhodes, etc).

    En fait faire une moyenne entre Grecs des différentes régions ne permet pas de comprendre

    Il vous a bien eu et vous n'avez rien compris

    Un soi-disant patriote grec qui exclut les Chypriotes. ahahahahah

    Bravo le Turc tu l'as bien eu ce grec!
